Friday, October 8, 2010

Blind Dates

       Last year for my birthday my mom sent me a package with lots of presents, among them was something I thought was very unusual. It was a date (the fruit) with glasses and a match; with it was a note that said "when you figure out what this is, call your brother to get more information." I was so confused and had all my friends helping me to try and figure out what it could be. We finally got it... a blind date.

       Blind dates can often have a bad connotation, I have a few friends who refuse them. As for me, however, I find them exciting and fun! Some of my funnest dates have been blind. From the story above my brother set me up with a nice young man and we had an excellent time surfing.
       The key to making a blind date successful is 1st having confidence in the friend who is setting you up. 2nd go into it with the disposition of having fun! It's a blind date, this should infer no commitment, no pressure, just an opportunity to meet someone new and have a good time. 3rd to be bold enough to make the effort to see them again if you end up liking them. I've heard more than one story in the past year where someone ends up marrying a blind date, one of them being my bishop.
       The next time someone offers to set you up on a blind date, give it a chance.

Ya, I'm all about a happy family.


  1. I saw the picture in this post and HAD to comment on your post!

    For my friend's 16th B-day I made her a book full of different types of dates...Blind dates, double dates, etc. I must admit that I was more amused by my present than she was, but your post brought back the good ol' days :) THANKS!!!

    Good advise about giving blind dates a chance...this semester I've had two blind dates...much fun! I highly recommend them :D

  2. I totally agree with you on that it is important to have fun on the date. And to not take it too seriously. Besides blind dates are a great way to meet new people.

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  4. Agreed. I think some of my funnest dates have been blind dates for the exact same reasons that you stated. No pressure. You can just be quarky and have fun together and there is no obligation to like the other person, but simply have a good time. By the way I love that "blind date" picture!
