Saturday, October 9, 2010

Say what?

In my last Relief Society meeting my Bishop gave the lesson and during it he informed us of the Stake Presidents challenge. For boys to go on a date once a week, this made me smile (my thoughts were, this is sure to up my chances of possibly getting a date) then he delivered the second half; that girls ask out a boy once a month...I don't want to ask out a boy, it's scary! This made me think of how the guys must feel. I have decided that I am going to put aside my fears and take on the Stake Presidents challenge. I've talked to a lot of boys about this and the vast majority say they like it when a girl asks them out. So Ladies, be bold, and have at it!

"You see a boy you think is cute and like a little? Ask him to go for a walk!" -Bishop Bartholomew 

In my ward last year someone gave out a list of 100 dates, they titled it: 100 Easy To Plan, Sure to Get You Action, Highly Successful Dates
I'm going to share these dates with you throughout my posts. If you try some out let me know how they go! 

100. Take a walk to the park…feed the ducks…don’t forget the bread!
99. Go running together. (Endorphins make you happy, and attractive)
98. Surprise service! Know a family that needs help? Take a date!
97. Wash the car. Trust me, this can be fun! (Just make sure that she’s clear that you’re not just using her for free labor).
96. Bubbles on the table. Find a flat service, get some straws—spread some soapy water on the counter and use the straws to make bubbles. It’s fun, I promise.
95. Karaoke!
94. Tacky bowling. Find the oddest looking clothes you can find for each other and then go bowling. Make up silly rules for the game. *Best done as a group date*
93. Make cookies for the neighbors and go drop them off.
92. Go singing at the local nursing home.
91. Hot pots. There are some great places to go around Provo.
90. Rock climbing up Provo Canyon. Don’t have gear? Just ask around. A lot of rock climbers are more than willing to take people with them and normally have extra gear.
89. Cardboard box delivery—get cardboard boxes, punch eye holes in them and deliver treats to friends…or you can decorate the boxes and have races wearing them. It’s fun, just don’t fall over.
88. Make a piñata. 2 parts flour to 1 part water, makes a great modge podge. Also, this allows you a second date of actually breaking the piñata.
87. Go to a free concert on campus. If you don’t know if there are any, check out the Harris Fine Arts Center, they are constantly advertising for free senior concerts and performances.
86. Have a mission culture night. Get together with some of your friends, each brings a dish from their mission and some pictures, you can all bring dates. It makes a fun dinner.

Ya, I'm all about a happy family.


  1. Hmmm..interesting date idea ;)I like how #100 reminds you not to forget the bread...that would be rather embarrassing!!! hehe

    I think asking a boy on a date once a month is a SPLENDID idea..then again, I'm kind of weird and think it's fun to ask guys out. Not necessarily that I do it all of the time, but I get a sort of thrill when I do it :) Now that I think about VERY first date was with a guy that I asked out! Ha! Good times!

    Good luck, Krystalee!!

  2. Krystalee, you are so cute and fun and brave and confident! All good qualities! I miss you so much my dear. Good luck; some of these date ideas do sound super fun! I want to have a race wearing boxes :)

  3. I would recommend number 99. The first several dates I had with my husband were going running.

  4. Some of those activities do sound like fun. I, however, no matter what the stake presidency or Bishop says, would probably never ask out a boy once a month! I have been forced to ask out a guy before for a quadruple date my roommates put together. They basically told him about it, then made me call him since he already knew. It was a dirty trick, and the date was fun, but I didn't like asking one bit, so if you do ask someone out, I would suggest knowing them a little better, know that they don't already like your roommate, and that you are somewhat interested in them. Good luck!

  5. Horace Sumner here but you can call me Ace for short. Those are some AMAZING date ideas if I can say so myself. I haven't seen such fresh thought since 1932. If any of you ladies need someone to ask out once a month, give me a call;) I live in Provo and I have a van so I can pick you up.

  6. #93. It is a fun activity where you work with the other person to do something, then you eat some of the cookies when you finish. No better date than one that involves food!

  7. Oh yeah! And what's with the whole removing my comment and "Your comment will be visible after approval"? Veterans like me fought for free speech. Let's not ruin it with blog administration.

  8. Ace, I don't know why you get to all these blog sites first. I need to get some dates too. If he's busy, you can date me ladies;)

  9. "Your comment will be visible after approval." Uh, that's not how blogs were meant to be worked. If you try posting things on my blog, they just go up. Learn from your elderly friends Deon.
