Wednesday, October 20, 2010

1,2,3 yeah

I have been thinking about what to write for this blog post and asking for ideas; one idea I thought was pretty cool was to write about how it is that you simply meet an individual of the opposite sex that you could be interested in. This question was quite the stumper for me. How you do that? I'm most likely the wrong person to ask about this seeing as how my dating life is not exactly rockin'. However, I'm going to give you my thoughts anyway and you can take 'em or leave 'em.

My advice on this subject would be to first get out of your apartment! Get out and do things. Go to events, go on blind dates, attend your ward along with all the ward activities, get involved! The more stuff you do the more people you interact with. Second, say hello to people, give a smile. Most people have a shy bone in them but when you make the effort to step out of your comfort zone and talk to someone you don't know, repeatedly, your shy anxiety will get better, I promise. It's not going to do you any good if you get out of your apartment but then don't ever talk to anyone. Third, be comfortable with yourself! Everyone is different and we all have varying qualities, strengths, and weaknesses. When you're comfortable with yourself and confident, you'll be who you want to be, you won't worry about what other people think of you. You will be able to forget about yourself and how you look or your insecurities and focus on getting to know the people that are around. This will make you a more likable person and more approachable thus increasing your chances of meeting a potential date.

85. Hop scotch. Get some sidewalk chalk and play the classic game. Or play 4Square, jump rope, or on the big toy…elementary playground games are fun!
84. Blow something up. No really, make sure it’s legal, but finding something to blow up is actually really fun.
83. Have an egg drop contest. Make devises to hold eggs and then throw them off of a building. The person with the egg that doesn’t break wins.
82. Breakfast for dinner. This is a classic. Great conversation is had over making bacon and eggs.
81. Sack lunch date. Not a lot of time in your day? Bring a sack lunch for you and your date, meet on campus and boom! You’ve got a date…in less than 45 minutes.
80. Babysit. Could be awkward, could help you find the future mother of your offspring. Your choice.
79. 20 Questions. No holds bar, down to the nitty gritty, 20 questions.
78. Finger paint. Get some pictures from Picasso to help your creative juices, get some finger paints and have at it.
77. Take a drive through the canyon.
76. Make an igloo (weather permitting).

Ya, I'm all about a happy family.


  1. Blowing something up = awesome!!

    How about watch a good Pixar movie?

  2. Pixar is awesome! So pretty much always a good choice.

  3. Hey, wait a minute. Didn't you go to Elder Scott's fireside? He said if you want to get to know someone, then watching a movie is,... what's the word he used? "S _ _ _ _ _"

    Your advice on meeting people is right on! Maybe your dating life isn't rockin', but you ROCK!
