Monday, November 22, 2010

who am I?

How can you become someone that other people would want to date? I looked at the April 2010 New Era issue and found this article that I thought had really good advice so I would like to share it with you. It is important to work on becoming a person that you would want to date, because people are attracted to characteristics that they like and appreciate which are often things they have themselves.

Jourdan Strain, “What Makes a Person Datable?,” NewEra, Apr 2010, 43
Have you ever wondered what makes one person seem more datable than another? Here are a few traits that can help you become prime dating material:
  • 1. A positive attitude. It’s no fun being around someone with a bad outlook on life. Be optimistic and cheerful, and others will naturally want to be around you.
  • 2. A smile. No amount of makeup or expensive clothing can compete with a sincere smile. Consider it your best accessory!
  • 3. A well-groomed appearance. People who take good care of themselves often take good care of others. Practice good hygiene and keep the dress and appearance standards in For the Strength of Youth ([2001], 14–15).
  • 4. Confidence. Take pride in who you are and what you believe. But don’t be arrogant—nobody likes to be around people who are condescending.
  • 5. A ready ear. A good listener will always be a good friend or date. Show genuine interest in what people have to say and they’ll always want to talk to you.
  • 6. Ambition. Have worthy goals and don’t be afraid to work toward attaining them. Don’t be afraid to try to new things.
  • 7. Respect. Show consideration for everyone, whether they are strangers, friends, parents, family members, or people you would like to date. Honor your priesthood and don’t misuse it or live unworthily. Respect your womanhood by dressing modestly and living gospel standards.
  • 8. Clean language. Refraining from using foul language shows restraint and a dedication to the gospel, as well as respect of yourself and those around you.
  • 9. A testimony. Testify of your love of the gospel by serving others and sharing your beliefs with them.
  • 10. Being an example. Make good decisions that are consistent with the teachings of the Church. People will admire you for your commitment to the gospel and Christlike behavior, and you will be happier.

 If you have any ideas on what I should write about next please let me know! 

Here are some more dating ideas :) 

30. Make popcicle stick houses. Or you can get spare newspaper and roll them up into tubes and tape them together to make big forts.
29. Every first Friday of the month is the Provo Art Gallery show down Center Street in Provo. Free.
28. Craft night. Make some homemade play dough (can find easy recipes online), then put them in the oven until they’re hard. Then you can paint them. It’s like homemade ceramics.
27. Go serve at Community Action on Freedom Blvd, or any other volunteer place around. 
26. Dip chocolates. Easy and inexpensive. 

Ya, I'm all about a happy family. 

1 comment:

  1. That is an awesome list. When I was growing up a lot of my YW leaders always talked about having a list of things you wanted in a husband (I'm pretty sure its a universal laurel activity to make that list at least once). But they hardly ever talked about how important it is to be the things on your list yourself. If you want a super awesome amazing person you need to try your best to be a super awesome amazing person.
